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Cyngor Cymuned Llangamarch
Llangammarch Community Council
Cefnogi cymunedau Llangammarch, Tirabad, a Chefn Gorwydd
Supporting the communities of Llangammarch Wells, Tirabad, and Cefn Gorwydd
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Please use the dropdown menu or links for:
Cynghorwyr Cymuned/ Community Councillors:
Yma/ Here
Etholiadau a swyddi gwag achlysurol/
Elections and Casual Vacancies:
Yma/ Here
Finance: Yma/ Here
Gwybodaeth a Pholisïau/ Information and Policies: Yma/ Here
Cyfarfodydd/ Meetings: Yma/ Here
Cofnodion ac Agenda/ Minutes and Agendas:
Yma/ Here
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