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Cyngor Cymuned Llangamarch
Llangammarch Community Council
Cefnogi cymunedau Llangammarch, Tirabad, a Chefn Gorwydd
Supporting the communities of Llangammarch Wells, Tirabad, and Cefn Gorwydd
Ymddiheuriadau Mae cyfieithu awtomatig Google o'r wefan hon i'r Gymraeg wedi dod i ben. Bydd eich porwr yn cyfieithu'r wefan hon ar gais Apologies, the automatic translation by Google of this site has stopped. Your browser will do this for you now, on request
Ward Profile within Powys
(please choose Powys and then Llanwrtyd Wells)
Cymuned unigryw yng nghanol Cymru
A unique community in the centre of Wales
Friends of the Earth
& One Voice Wales:-
Fideo hyrwyddo Llangammarch a wnaed
ar gyfer prosiect Llesiant Canolbarth Cymru:
Promotional video of Llangammarch made
for the Mid Wales Wellness project:
Click here
Ein Merched a'n Dynion Mae cyfleusterau cyhoeddus
wedi cael eu 'gefeillio' gyda dau yn Indonesia - Balinga a Bamba,
fel rhan o fenter fyd-eang i 'fflysio tlodi i ffwrdd'
Our Ladies and Gents Public conveniences
have been 'twinned' with two in Indonesia - Balinga and Bamba,
as part of a worldwide initiative to 'flush away poverty'
Cysylltwch a ni Contact us:
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